Sunday, 9 May 2021

Installing Di2 to my Scott - a non-internally wired frame

This is a short place holder Blog post that I'll expand upon when I get around to it

Basically, I bought a set of Ultegra Di2 parts 2nd Hand from EBay and I have fitted them to my Scott CR1 Pro - which does not have internal wiring

I made a video whilst doing this installation which is on YouTube here:

Or watch from the Blog here:


This shows most of the work but the words to follow will explain in more detail

Small Update 22 Dec 2021

The cable routing from the Junction A down to the Junction B was originally located in place with some black electricians tape. This is what the solution looked like after about 6 months:

It was starting to come loose so I tried a Plan B which was to use a strip of clear sticky backed plastic (in true Blue Peter style). I ran this from just level with the derailleur cable stops on the frame neat the fork tube to just above the bottom bracket moulding. I left a ring of black electricians tape "in case" just above the bottom bracket:

The clear plastic went to these cable stops:

I am hoping its a bit more robust - if nothing else it'll be harder to accidentally catch the cable as its now fixed for almost the whole length. It does nothing for mechanical protection though of course

I didn't quite get the cable ruler straight, but it's quite discrete:

It's not going to last for ever, but at the time I updated this it's been on for 4-5 months in a range of weather and is holding up much better than the blank tape

The installation around the bottom bracket is a bit messy: