Tuesday, 19 March 2013

The Rawlinson Bracket

The Rawlinson Bracket

This was a Sportive set up by a colleague at work in memory of another colleague who died unexpectedly last year. There is a link to the site here: http://www.the-rawlinson-bracket.co.uk/ and they have a Facebook page as well: https://www.facebook.com/TheRawlinsonBracket

This was really well set up and organised and full credit to Steve and the team for the event that they created. It was a very challenging route with a lot of climbing over the 50 miles. It was also very very cold - barely above 0 Deg C for the entire time. However the turn out was excellent - almost 300 people I believe for an event at the end of February so a really good achievement.

As I said, the route was tough. I have ridden Edge Hill a number of times so knew what I was in for, however there were then a number of other hills before turning back to climb Sunrising Hill which was about 7 miles from the end. I have ridden Sunrising once before and knew that it would be really tough especially after 40 miles before, and therefore tried to conserve some energy all the way round just for this last climb. However the endless climbs and very cold weather really took it out of me and as I have done very few miles this year I found Sunrising every bit as tough as I expected. After dropping back off Edge Hill the run back to the start (at the Heritage Motor Museum) was a real grind and to be honest I just followed Noel all the way.

At the end of the ride I was just glad to finish and start to warm back up. Looking back I think that I did really enjoy the route, but not in the cold. I normally ride throughout the year but I can't remember if I have ever ridden for so long at such a low temperature.

The Strava data is here: http://app.strava.com/activities/42085452

This is me looking pained at the top of Edge Hill:


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