Sunday 20 October 2013

Beyond Meriden

In line with going to new places I went out to the other side of the A45 to Meriden:


I was  surprised how quiet the roads were. I'll go over again and push over towards Fillongley next time. It was relatively quiet but Corley Moor was not really a Moor. I was within a few meters of the M6 at the northernmost point which did spoil the peace!

The weather was "wet" and my Scott got absolutely filthy - a horrible noise from the drive train on one bit of mud covered road, although once the rain had washed it off it was OK again. Its getting close to the time to retire the good bike for the Winter and ride the Giant (not that this isn't a good bike either) but just to use the mudguards. I have been filthy the past few rides due the mud thrown up from the back wheel.

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