Saturday, 18 April 2020

Di2 Fit File Decoder V1.1.1

Di2 Fit File Decoder V1.1.1 - Another Update April 2020

This is a small (traditional) Windows desktop application written in C#/.Net to decode a .fit file and extract the data from Shimano Di2 Gearshifting. This gear shift data is monitored using (in my case) the SM-EWW01 unit connected in series with the normal cable routing:

The application was started because I want to plot the gear data in my (much bigger) Strava data extraction tool, so the first step was to get the data and understand it

The fit file format information and sample C# code came from the Ant+ working group (Link) - you need to register, but it's free.

Using the sample console code to decode a fit file I was able to build a simple Windows application to get the gear shift data ("event data"), and the time based data (i.e. the "record "data). I then plotted this data against time/distance in  aline chart, displayed it in a data table and created a simple bar chart/histogram plot of the distribution of time/count in each gear combination.

Version 1 used file storage and V1.1 used a SQL database (as I was more familiar with these having used one for my main Strava Application. I left the code at V1.1 for a while whilst I went back to the Strava application and made some further updates. These were mostly in improving the code quality and readbility based on some learning that I gained from this Di2 application.

However this got the Strava Application up to a better level so I went back to the Di2 Application again to make some further updates to make it easier to bring the relevant code into the Strava application. This includes
  • finding why the database size was so large and fixing it to an extent
  • general minor bug fixes
  • some UI improvements
  • allowing the user to select pre-saved data from the Database and displaying it
  • ability to load and process multiple files simultaneously (i.e. select a whole directory of files)
  • a new feature to display a total time/count bar chart for shifts.

The Application can be downloaded from here (It's an installer file)

The other posts about this software are:
First Release: Here
Second Release: Here