I have been happily progressing thinking that a few people might have downloaded my app and used it. I had no feedback but this does not mean its not being used - it could just as well mean it is being used and works as intended or did not do what people wanted. In reality I have written the app for myself as a learning and intellectual activity
However I was recently looking through the comments on this Blog and saw a comment saying:
"Just quickly tried this and got the following error:Downloading http://i5desktop/Strava Forms V1/Strava Forms V2.application did not succeed."
I had not realised there were errors deploying/installing but on reflection could see that I had never tested the installation using the zip file downloaded from my google drive. When I tried myself to deploy the zip file to my laptop I got the same error.
I have done a bit of googling and there are some restrictions and limitations when deploying using Visual Studio Express
However I have taken a slightly different approach and believe that there is now a zip file that will allow installation of my application.
It can be found here: Google Drive Link - the latest deployed version is 2_1_1_0_53
I can't be 100% sure that it will deploy but I am much more confidant that I was before.
There are a number of incremental changes and improvements since the last "release" - the biggest is probably that there is now a trace logger that I have been developing so I can identify and address issues that don't appear in the IDE. This is found by using the Menu option "Tools" - then select "Show Data Folder". In this folder will be files called e.g. Traceoutput_2018-09-01_11_50_09.txt - these are reasonably verbose and help debug and diagnose issues
However the software is very much a work in progress and I have a big list of things to do still
When installing you may get either of the following warnings (you probably will as the application is not signed in any way)
Please note that I have written this application for my own use and as far as I can tell it only does what it is meant to - acquire and display Strava data. Should anything happen to you PC whilst installing or using this then I cannot and will not take any responsibility
ReplyDeleteafter some problems at the start
the software was able to download some activities but ended with an error
so the activity file has several lines of data but nothing will be shown in your app
also the update button ends now with an error
Activities_9092104.txt,Die Operation '=' kann nicht an System.Int32 und System.String durchgeführt werden
any ideas?
example data:
Activity ID,Activity Name,Start Date,Distance km,Average Speed kph,Average Cadence,Average HR,Max HR,Average Power,Weighted Power,KiloJoules,Max Speed kph,Height Gain m,Achievement Count,Athlete Count,Average Temperature,Comment Count,Elapsed Time (sec),Moving Time (sec),Local Start time,Type,Start Lat/Long,End Lat/Long,Trainer Y/N,Commute Y/N,Private Y/N,Manual Y/N,External ID,Bike Name
1945137040,"biken",2018-11-04T10:23:56Z,37,4,33,45,72,4,0,0,0,0,297,2,297,0,1196,0,53,28,62,0,1,9,0,4268,4024,04.11.2018 12:23:56,Ride,48,25/16,43,48,25/16,43,False,False,False,False,garmin_push_3137542317,Cube Agree GTC
1940918451,"biken",2018-11-02T09:03:01Z,48,7,36,44,69,8,0,0,0,0,305,9,312,0,1471,4,61,56,274,0,1,9,0,5005,4810,02.11.2018 11:03:01,Ride,48,76/14,97,48,76/14,97,False,False,False,False,garmin_push_3132575617,Cervelo P5 - 2013
kind regards
I think that one problem is that the
Deletedata field separator and decimal separator are equal ","
I have now changed my country settings at windows for a test
ReplyDeleteso the activity file looks better but it crashes on getting activity detail data
2018-11-06 07:53:13,error,Error #6000 in Strava V2.0//JOB_Strava_Client/Get_activities() - detailed acquisition,Der angeforderte Wert "WaterSport" konnte nicht gefunden werden.
=> this is an manual created strava activity for rowing
seems that your enum ActivityType has no entry for "WaterSport"
ReplyDeleteall types can be found at this strava code
Hi beckk
ReplyDeleteSorry for not replying - I don't seem to get automated notifications of posts
There are some interesting comments and issues here - thanks for the feedback
I guess a couple of comments - one I am a cyclist and very occasional runner and hence only focussed on that. There's no accounting for other sports at the moment. Not sure how easily this is accommodated - in theory not too hard. Have you selected the "Other activities" tick box to at least display the non cycling data in a separate datagrid
Interesting comment about . and , as separators - being English this was not something I thought about.
Manual entries are a bit of an issue and handled not that well even now
I have done a lot more work on the app recently - mainly I have been loading the data into a database - 1 to learn this technique and 2 - I can see benefits as the app gets more capable (I hope) to having data in a database. This does pose some challenges to installation and deployment that I have not thought about
ReplyDeleteI have already customized the app :D
so I was able to import all kinds of (my) workouts
I have also extended the functionality that not everytime all files must be analyzid for power graphs
a bigger job would be to define a global separator for data, digits ..
because many of that are hardcoded
cool would be a dyn chart but my coding knowledge is too low for a "quick hack" :)