Friday, 6 March 2020

Strava Data Tool Update March 2020 - V3

There's been a lack of visible progress on this application for 6-8months

This is partly because:
  • the weather was good over the summer and I'd much rather be outside
  • I've written the Di2 decoder application for a change of programming focus ("a change is as a good as a rest")
  • and I have also been making significant changes to the Strava Data Tool "under the bonnet" based on learning from the TCXConverter and Di2 Decoder apps that I wrote and could see benefits in making it easier to mainatin the Strava Tool
  • The Strava tool grew organically making it a nightmare to edit and change the code - this is because I wrote it learning as I went and adding feature ad-hoc and hence there is no design to the code
However the dark winter weather meant that I have been back on this with quite a lot of effort over late 2019/early 2020

I also thought ready to release back in February 2020 but some last minute tetsing showed a major issue when creating a new database. It took me a long time to work out the change that caused this, which was in fact trivial and related to changing to a static SQL class and getting confused with the constructor behaviour

Although the app looks almost identical there is a big change list which includes the following (not-exhaustive) list
  1. Only raw data stored in the database (~60% reduction in database size and improved performance)
  2. Use of SQL_BLOCKCOPY to load data to database tables)
  3. Consistent use of DataTables throughout the app, and programmatic creation of these rather than predifined. Also the Datatable definition are used to programmatically create the Database tables menaing a much greater level of consistency and alignment
  4. Conversion to static for a number of common classes
  5. Introduction of a static Global_Constants class to improve maintainability and readability across the application
  6. A lot of code tidying up
  7. Removal of redundant methods- so the code base is now smaller

There's still a lot of improvements to be made:
  1. The most major issues seems to be a change with the authentication process that is less seamless than it was a few months ago - I have yet to resolve this. When you start the application for the first time it will open a web page asking you to approve access to (your) data. This is as designed. However if you then close the application or don't use it for a further 6 hours the application needs to re-authenticate - this is as required by Strava. In theory th eapplication should use one of the tokens set in the first initialisation and silentrly re-authenticate. However it doesn't and it throws an exception "Error #3000 during Web POST, Authentication_Web_POST/Get_Tokens". However if you select OK it will then open a web page and re-authenticate. I need to look at this more
  2. Some database tables still need "re-formatting" to the new process
  3. Lost the ability to export the graph as an image (as I changed how the export feature worked)
  4. Better logging format and verbosity - although its better, it's still a mess
  5. More testing and error trapping - again it's a lot better but still not exhasutive
  6. The redraw code still does not function correctly
  7. Further code general improvements- readability, structure, style etc.
Some features to be added include:
  1. Adding the ability to (manually) load di2 data from a .fit file and asscoiate with existing down loaded data, inluding the statistics and graphical displays (i.e. incorporate my Di2 Decoder application into this application
  2. Adding segments data
  3. Refining the statistics - I think allowing a level of user query building would be good (to an extent). Also getting data per bike and ride type for example - i.e. how many miles in 2019 on Bike X on a trainer
  4. Fixing some of the things athat are still broken

Anyway here are the links to the program
  1. The standalone .exe file is uploaded to here:Link to V3 standalone exe Zip file
  2. The installer package is uploaded to here:  Link to V3 Full installer - Recommended

I strongly recommend using the installer - its been tested and works as I expect it to

As far as I can tell there are no viruses in the zip and there is  no spyware - it just reads your Strava data

Best Help page is here: Notes from release

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